“That’s the 5th email reply I have gotten from a prospect in the last three hours. Those adjustments I made to my messaging are really working. I need to share this with the other salespeople…now!”
“Another referral!?!? That’s 12 referrals for the branch this week! I need to make sure the Dallas, Plano, and Irving branches are using this strategy too.”
“Ha! Another thank-you email from my team. Who would have thought a ‘Working from home can feel alone’ care package to my team would be such a hit? I need to share this employee engagement idea on our next leadership call.”
Boom! Now, that’s what I’m talking about! Growth and Collaboration!
A few weeks ago, we posted the blog “The Essential Sixth Stage” and touched on the Growth Mindset. When you empower yourself to strive for success and make collaborative choices like those found above, you are winning the Growth Mindset game and have a much better chance of adapting to new challenges.
But how do we adopt this Growth Mindset? Well, you must start by getting your mind right, and for anyone who has been through our training, you know I am talking about The Four Cornerstones of Success®, specifically Attitude and Personal Accountability.
When COVID hit, some people adopted a “Woe is me” attitude, but some people adopted a "Can’t nobody hold me down” attitude. Who do you think is winning today?
When we talk about attitude, we often reference this Henry Ford quote:
“Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
The mind is a powerful thing, and will 100% dictate how we react to setbacks. It starts with you and your attitude. Now, combine a positive attitude with personal accountability, and you are well on your way to developing a growth mindset. How many of you have either said or heard the following statements recently?
“I would be successful in hitting my quota if COVID wasn’t affecting my customer’s willingness to buy from me.”
“I would be a more successful recruiter if candidates weren’t making more money from unemployment than what my current job is offering.”
“I would be successful at leading my team if they all worked in the office rather than at home.”
All of these are socially acceptable excuses for failure, and at first glance, they don't seem all that unreasonable. However, people with a growth mindset don’t accept these excuses and find a way to navigate these obstacles and strive to grow successfully.
In the past three months, we have delivered dozens of virtual training sessions and have helped companies learn to sell, recruit, and lead more effectively in this new world we live in. As a trainer, I love getting to see participants develop that growth mindset and understand the value of not accepting socially acceptable excuses for failure.
Often, our customers have participants from all over North America in attendance on our virtual training sessions. They see each other on our Zoom calls and begin to understand that they are a team despite the distances that may separate them. They understand that now more than ever requires the development of good ideas and, more importantly, the sharing of those good ideas. Those are my favorite moments because it shows that they have developed a “Group” growth mindset. Re-read the three examples at the beginning of this blog. Those statements embody what a group growth mindset looks like, and that is how we will get through this and come out on top. Together.