Best of Print & Digital Award Winners
Best of Print & Digital Award Winners
2022 Best of Print & Digital® Award Winners
2022 Best of Print & Digital® Award Winners
Winners of the Best of Print & Digital Award have exceeded industry standards for customer service – and they can prove it. NPS® surveys provide valuable feedback from your customers, uncover areas that need improvement, and highlight opportunities for increased growth and revenue.
If you haven't applied for the Best of Print & Digital®, you're missing the opportunity celebrate your successes or greatly improve your situation and to truly understand how your customers feel about your company at every touchpoint. Surveys are conducted by experienced, third-party professionals, providing the highest level of integrity, validity and transparency.
Winners of the Best of Print & Digital Award have exceeded industry standards for customer service – and they can prove it. NPS® surveys provide valuable feedback from your customers, uncover areas that need improvement, and highlight opportunities for increased growth and revenue.
If you haven't applied for the Best of Print & Digital®, you're missing the opportunity celebrate your successes or greatly improve your situation and to truly understand how your customers feel about your company at every touchpoint. Surveys are conducted by experienced, third-party professionals, providing the highest level of integrity, validity and transparency.
Net Promoter Score
One question that provides limitless insights - simple to ask, simple to answer.
NPS® is the #1 predictor of future growth. It's the one statistic that gives you a complete picture of how your customers view your company. Achieve profitable growth, identify opportunities, and protect your revenue while uncovering training gaps and building a stronger brand.
Updated follow up questions reflecting the impact of COVID-19 added:
How do you anticipate the volume of business in the next year with [Company} to compare to pre-COVID levels? (Lower, About the same, Higher, Uncertain)
As business has changed as a result of the COVID environment, what is the most important thing [Company] could do to better partner with you?
How likely is it that you would recommend [company] to a friend or colleague?
% of Promoters - % of Detractors = Net Promoter Score
*Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld, and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.
According to a recent comprehensive survey conducted by NPS Benchmarks,
customer-centric actions like establishing a NPS program and closing the loop can lead to an increase in retention by 5% and nearly a 3x ROI.
"Butler Street's NPS® program gave us the opportunity to objectively measure and establish a loyalty benchmark - and through focused actions, improve our score by 23% this year. Because of this effort, we are posting industry-leading growth year over year."