Adapting to Survive
Best of Print & Digital Award Winners
Best of Print & Digital Award Winners
2022 Best of Print & Digital® Award Winners
2022 Best of Print & Digital® Award Winners
Winners of the Best of Print & Digital Award have exceeded industry standards for customer service – and they can prove it. NPS® surveys provide valuable feedback from your customers, uncover areas that need improvement, and highlight opportunities for increased growth and revenue.
If you haven't applied for the Best of Print & Digital®, you're missing the opportunity celebrate your successes or greatly improve your situation and to truly understand how your customers feel about your company at every touchpoint. Surveys are conducted by experienced, third-party professionals, providing the highest level of integrity, validity and transparency.
Winners of the Best of Print & Digital Award have exceeded industry standards for customer service – and they can prove it. NPS® surveys provide valuable feedback from your customers, uncover areas that need improvement, and highlight opportunities for increased growth and revenue.
If you haven't applied for the Best of Print & Digital®, you're missing the opportunity celebrate your successes or greatly improve your situation and to truly understand how your customers feel about your company at every touchpoint. Surveys are conducted by experienced, third-party professionals, providing the highest level of integrity, validity and transparency.
Growth is the Oxygen of Your Company.
Accelerate Growth By Training Your Sales Team.
Your customers can instantly spot a mediocre salesperson. They want to deal with salespeople who understand their industry, their company, and their problems. Customers don’t want product pushers – they want salespeople who add value.
Butler Street’s award-winning sales programs can help.
Companies that invest in training are 57% more effective at sales than their competitors.
Source: Task Drive
Only 17% of companies say they have an effective training program.
Source: Task Drive
If you are thinking: “Sales training might be an opportunity for us” - here’s a study we conducted that will help you ask the right questions about your sales team.
This report will help you understand the difference between what your sales people believe and what your clients say about them when it comes to driving value, understanding wants and needs, and why they say “no.”
Download The Need For Training: Sales Effectiveness to Accelerate Growth by Training Your Sales Team.