Congratulations are deserved for all of the companies that have won a "Best of.." award!
Whether you are a staffing company that has won Best of Staffing, or a print company that won Butler Street's very own Best of Print & Digital™, the real leverage comes from being able to show how your Net Promoter Survey and “Best of” makes you a better, more optimal organization because you listened to your customers, you analyzed the data, you communicated the results and you took action.
AND, as a result, you are better positioned to bring value to your client relationships.
AND your value is only what your customer considers to be value.
Achieving this or any other award provides the winners with some bragging rights and, again real credibility because the award is based upon customer feedback answering one simple question. “What is the likelihood that you would recommend XXX Company to a friend or colleague?”
Previous winners have leveraged the award to boost their credibility with new prospects and existing customers to increase sales. Earning “Best of” also helped them improved employee morale, talent acquisition and employee retention.
So add your achievement to your value proposition and build your story around it. “Best of” will be recognized as a differentiator for your business and provide your prospect or customer with reason to select you for new business because you have demonstrated that you are the best option to meet their needs and provide solutions. So, the trophy will prove to be a well-deserved honor when you use it to articulate how this benefits your customer. Now, you have some leverage! Add “Best of” to your website, write a press release, email market your new status and surely take advantage of social media.
"What if I didn't win?"
If your company participated in a "Best of " program but didn't qualify for the award, it is even more important that you take action from your actionable insights on what is lacking in your customer relationships. Use it to serve as a starting point to become an industry leader by understanding where you are today and what your customers expect.
"We've done a Net Promoter Score survey. Now what?"
If you've executed your own Net Promoter score survey, you have taken the first step to measuring your client loyalty and capturing your customers' entire experience with your organization! It is important that you take the right actions with the actionable insights gained from your clients in order to increase your client retention, leverage referrals, and stay ahead of the needs and wants of your customers.
If you want to ensure you leverage your investment by ensuring you taking the right actions, Butler Street can help. Contact us to get started.
Find out more about our Net Promoter Score survey to help you benchmark your client loyalty at This will be your chance measure the loyalty of your customers and for you to gain actionable insight into your customer relationships. For those companies in the print and digital industry, you could be eligible to win a "Best of.." award too!