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3 Virtual Selling Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Before the pandemic, would you have:

  • driven to your customer/prospect's place of business, and instead of meeting in person, call them on your cell phone?

  • handed them a business card without any logo or branding?

  • assumed you knew their current situation or challenges without asking?

Of course not. But many of you might be doing these 3 things without even realizing it.

I Don’t Like Being On Camera.

Guess what? Most people don’t, but it is the most under-utilized tool at your disposal and essential in the sales world today. The number one reason salespeople don’t use video is their fear of being on camera – 59% don't like how they look, and 48% worry more about how they look than they do about preparing for the meeting.* More worried about how they look than actually preparing for the call! Overcoming video call insecurities is easier said than done. Still, the more on-video calls you make, the easier it will get, and you'll be able to put the focus where it belongs – on your customer.

In addition to the essential technical aspects of a virtual call (internet connection, lighting, clear audio and video, etc.), there are human elements to practice that will help exude confidence and trustworthiness.

  • Be mindful of your facial expressions. If you have resting bit...uh...disinterested face when listening, practice a relaxed resting smile face to consciously replace it.

  • Be mindful of your body movements. Avoid rocking back and forth, crossing your arms, or leaning back in your chair. These are commonly interpreted as signs of disinterest. Try not to touch your face/hair or wave your hands around too much.

  • Control your voice tone – be careful not to speak too fast or too loudly. Preparing for the call is a must and should help you avoid too many "ums" when speaking.

  • Maintain eye contact – possibly one of the hardest to master but most important. If you are continually looking away, your buyer may think you are lying or disinterested. And stop looking at yourself (studies show from 30 to 70% of the time, people are looking at themselves)! Practice maintaining good eye contact.

  • Master smooth transition between slide view and gallery (Brady Bunch) view—this is particularly critical when you are using slides. You move to this view when someone has a question or a particular subject has come up requiring a discussion. Practice moving back and forth seamlessly. Make sure having a second monitor does not negatively impact your transition.

Highlight your Brand

If your LinkedIn background looks like this:

It’s comparable to handing a blank business card to someone. With personal social events basically non-existent, social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, are one of the most productive prospecting tools. But it takes a little work – start by updating your background image with a company related image (with logo) and a professional profile photo. (Not to mention a descriptor that differentiates you from your competition.)

Adding a virtual background to your video calls can enhance your brand awareness and help you stand out from the crowd. Plus the added benefit of reducing any stress regarding workspace clutter (wherever your WFO space may be – no one has to know when you use a virtual background). We have a clean background option and a few branded office settings available to the team for continuity and branding at Butler Street. (See examples in related blog: Welcome To Your New Virtual Reality)

Ask great questions

Get into your client’s operating reality. Don’t assume you understand their current situation. Ask effective questions and then… LISTEN. Listen to understand, instead of waiting for your turn to talk. Active listening allows you to move from your operating reality into their operating reality and follow up with effective questions.

Once you understand their current challenges, review your messaging and offerings. Are you providing solutions for their current problems? Do you need to make adjustments that align with their initiatives? Have you updated messaging on your website and social media channels?

Only after you understand your client’s operating reality can you create the right messaging that brings the most value and helps solve their problems.

If we solve our customers’ problems, we solve our own.®

If you want to improve your virtual prospecting skills, enhance your social selling presence, and retain and grow your current clients, contact us. Our virtual, leader-led training programs, eLearning, consulting services, and research department are all focused on helping companies and their people grow. Let's talk.


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