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Covid or No Covid—Simplicity and the Basics Still Wins

Everyone is trying to make things more complex. I think Leonardo da Vinci had it right when he said:

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

The more things change, the more things stay the same. And in tough times like most of us have experienced over the past fourteen months, the cream rises to the top. And the “cream” focuses on the basics. Whether managing the Work-from-Home employee or the “hybrid” employee who comes to the office twice a week, the message and focus need to be the same. In the spirit of simplicity, this will be the shortest blog I have ever written for Butler Street. If you are reading this, I hope you find the simplicity of these simple truths just what you need from a leadership perspective to help you put your branch, region, division, or company back on track now that the country is beginning to open up:

  1. The toughest thing to do in sales is to acquire a new customer.

  2. The second toughest thing to do is to keep that customer.

  3. Not anyone in a company can win a new customer, but anyone can cause you to lose a customer.

  4. You are not in the SaaS business or the print business nor the staffing business, you are in the customer business first and foremost.

  5. Revenue is customer money.

  6. Your paycheck is made up of customer money. It is not the employer who pays the wages. The employer only handles the money. It is the customers who pay the wages.

  7. There are only two types of employees in any company: those who serve the customers directly and those who serve those who serve the customers. Both equally important.

  8. At the end of the week, the customer pays you for the services rendered; you're even. You have to earn it all over again the next week. Or someone else will!

  9. Every prospect/customer interaction is a “moment of truth” whereby the prospect or customer is forming an opinion of your company.

  10. A company is only as good as the people who represent it.

  11. The ability to change requires an ability to learn. We must create learning organizations.

  12. If we solve our customer’s problems, we’ll solve our own.®

  13. Profitable growth is the oxygen of a company. With growth comes opportunity.

  14. We are all CEO’s of our own life and work. Every day, we make or fail to make executive decisions that have immediate as well as far reaching consequences.

  15. In real estate, it is location, location, location. In business, it is communication, communication, communication.

Building off #15, and a previous blog, A Hybrid Workforce: Three Things to Eliminate, managers need to keep the basics at the forefront of everything they do.

At Butler Street, we break down the complexities of sales, recruiting, and business in general to these simple truths to enable you to energize your culture and "win your play" at every single touchpoint. Contact us and learn how “We help companies and their people grow.”


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