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Slow Down To Move Fast

“We need people…NOW!”

“I have several openings on my team, and I feel like I am drowning.”

“People would rather sit at home than work, and it is so frustrating.”


This is what we are hearing from our clients, and the struggle to find talent is real. Our advice? Let’s pump the brakes and slow down before we speed up.

When we slow down, we take a closer look at our process and make the necessary adjustments to align our efforts with what candidates positively respond to.

Most of you are probably thinking, "I cannot slow down right now; we need people so bad I am afraid to take my foot off the gas pedal." That sentiment is certainly understandable, but let us look at what happens when we slow down and how it will actually help us speed up in the end.

Time for some WOO!

Yep, you read that right. These days it is a candidate’s market (there are more open jobs than ready-to-work candidates), and you need to pour on the woo or “seek the favor of” your prospective candidates. So, slow it way down.

Ok! We are moving at a crawl. Good! Now, let’s consider some “Woo Avenues.” Woo Avenues are forms of communication that help us achieve candidate interaction and engagement.

Here are some examples:

• Your website

• Job postings

•  Emails

• Voicemails

• LinkedIn messages

• Marketing efforts

• Conversations

When a candidate comes into contact with your Woo Avenues, do they say to themselves, "Oh my gosh, this is great! I understand fully WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME and how I will benefit from a partnership with this company.”? More than likely, you did not just utter a resounding “YES!!”

No big deal, we got you covered.

Look back at that line up above. WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME (aka WIIFM) is a crucial component in most forms of communication we help people craft, whether in sales, recruiting or leadership communication. It boils down to this idea that we must focus on what is important to the other person if we hope to achieve a real connection with them.

So how do we tap into WIIFM with candidates? At Butler Street, we have found that candidates focus on six different areas when looking for a job. We refer to these areas as “PLACED.”

• People - The desired culture, the type of people, and the management style preferred

• Location - Geography, type of environment, and the commute

• Attainment - Skill enhancement or career progression

• Challenge - Level of responsibility desired; are they bored or in a rut personally or professionally

• Earnings - Total compensation (wages, benefits, frills, and bonuses)

• Dependability - Level of job stability, flexibility, or need for a “career agent” for ongoing help and guidance

Now that you understand PLACED, I want you to review your Woo Avenues and identify areas where you can clearly demonstrate how your job meets the needs of your candidate with a focus on those six areas. Remember: You want your candidates to say, “I understand what’s in it for me.” Once you have done that, make the necessary adjustments to your messaging and get ready to put that foot back on the gas pedal.

Times are tough right now, and finding people is more challenging than ever. At Butler Street, we help companies solve their problems every day and welcome the opportunity to solve yours, too. Contact us to get started.


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