It's been one year since I committed to contributing to LinkedIn on a more regular basis. This time last year, I wasn't keen on the idea of using LinkedIn. Yet, week in and week out, I explained to my training participants why using LinkedIn should be a priority, even though I wasn’t doing so myself. WHAT A HYPROCITE I WAS!
So, I looked in the mirror, called myself out, and began developing a game plan to become more active on LinkedIn. My first step was to identify how I wanted to contribute to the platform. The result was a weekly video with a focus on adding value to my network, leading to the birth of my “Weekly Tips or Tricks” video series.
The idea was simple: every time I conducted a training session, whether it was on sales, recruiting, leadership, or account management, I learned something new. It made sense to start sharing what I’d learned with my LinkedIn network.
The process was straightforward. I wrote down several tips or tricks I wanted to share with my network. Then, I recorded some test videos using my phone. My goal was to create a video that felt authentic and had a "Fireside Chat" ambiance, without being overly produced. I ensured the lighting was adequate, the background wasn't too distracting, and that the videos were concise.
The result? Once I was prepared, I shot four videos and scheduled them to be released weekly on LinkedIn. It took about an hour, and I was set for the month. Now, I repeat the process at the start of each month.
The benefits have been significant. Since I began making my videos, I've added over 400 new connections, established myself as an industry expert, and generated thousands of dollars in new business—all without directly selling in my videos. In fact, I've only made one video focused on selling a particular service. We abide by the mantra at Butler Street: "If we solve our customers' problems, we will solve our own." This mantra is the main source of inspiration for my videos.
You can do this too!
Want to start engaging your network with insights on LinkedIn? Here are five simple steps you can take now:
Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete. Why? Because 50% of B2B buyers say they won't consider someone with an incomplete profile.
Discover your passion. I enjoy making videos, but you might prefer writing a weekly blog or sharing insights on articles that interest your network.
Be consistent. Once you start, don't stop. Consistency is key when engaging with insights on LinkedIn.
Apply the 4:1 ratio rule. For every post where you ask something from your network, provide four posts designed to educate, inform, and add value to their lives.
Use ChatGPT. Need inspiration or content to share? ChatGPT can help you find both. Below is a sample prompt you can use when commenting on an article you want to share. What other prompts can you come up with to engage with insights using ChatGPT?
a. Prompt: "Create 3 distinctly different options for two-sentence comments with at least 2 hashtags to share this article on LinkedIn: [paste in the article content]"
Starting is all about mindset. Simply tell yourself, "I will post on LinkedIn more regularly." Then, focus on progressive improvement—take one step at a time in the right direction until you're posting regularly. You've got this!
If you are ready to hone your prospecting and sales skills, utilize generative AI for efficiency, and implement the tools and processes to get more meetings in 2024, register for our upcoming workshop series or contact us to discuss additional options!
I look forward to seeing your LinkedIn posts soon (and be sure to follow Butler Street and me for my weekly tips)!